Smells good! The abobo pork is soon to be ready outside while the mothers are preparing the fried fish in the indoor kitchen.
Early in the morning things start to happen in the kitchen beside the study center. Three of the mothers started to prepare the food at 3:0 am. Today they were making fried fish for breakfast and adobo pork for lunch. The food from the big cooking pots smelled delicious. It seems like the scholars agreed. I must say that they were in an impressively good mood for being there 5:00 am in the morning. High school starts at 6:15 am and elementary at 7:30, so between 5 - 7 am 38 kids are dropping by to get a good breakfast and a lunchpack. It is a good atmosphere when the kids are sitting around the same table eating, talking and making jokes.
Good atmosphere! The scholars enjoying there meal before school!

Lunchpack! Todays menu is rice (of course) adobo pork and Fita crackers
In the future when the new study center is ready it will be space for more scholars. Today the mothers are bringing the food in big bowls from the kitchen to the study center where the scholars are eating. Today the kitchen is close to the study center but in the future it will be a bit further away. This has been the big topic on the meetings whit the mothers. One solution was to bring the food whit a trolley - which is a good idea. But how to get there without getting wet? Proposals for solutions has been covered pathways or a big umbrella on a trolley or some kind of cable car were you can draw the food between the kitchen and the study center. We will probably find a good solution in the next meetings.
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